The Challenge

RACE's website had fallen behind the times, doing little to educate users in need of their services or to advertise vacant lots and properties for sale. Meanwhile, managing client paperwork had grown cumbersome for the RACE team, greatly affecting operational efficiency. 

Thus the challenge was twofold — reinvent the RACE website to be a user-friendly destination for client education, and create a fully digitized client management system to take the headache out of internal processes.

The Solution

The RACE website was fully rebuilt on epicPlatform, featuring cleaner formatting, brighter, friendlier colors, and a much more intuitive navigation and interface. Meanwhile, the Epic development team constructed a client management portal to allow RACE to more easily execute core administrative functions — such as managing applications, keeping client statuses updated, tracking intake progress, and sorting and referencing client data.

The Results

Client Testimonial

"Thanks again for all of the fantastic work on moving this portal toward where we envisioned it! These changes alone are absolutely game-changers for us.

Holly Cook
Erie, PA
Director of Program Administration