It's National Selfie Day on Tuesday and people all over the country are uploading selfies.

But selfies aren't just something fun to do with your phone, they've become a whole new way of branding and marketing.

Webster's New World College Dictionary defines the word selfie as "an image of oneself taken by oneself using a digital camera especially for posting on social networks.”

Social media experts in Erie said selfies are not a bad thing.

Sure, sometimes posting selfies can seem overwhelming, but they said if done in the right way, selfies can humanize your brand.

They say make sure to tag your location when posting your selfie on sites like Facebook and Twitter and keep up with what's trending.

Keefer Kopco, a media specialist from Epic Web Studios in Erie, said he credits Snapchat for making the selfie taking even more popular.

"What Snapchat presents is a great opportunity to now to provide the people behind a business, the people behind a brand, and give them a first-hand experience of exposure. It's branding 24/7 right on your phone." Kopco said.

Some experts said if you're snapping selfies to much and it's distracting you from work or school work, you should probably cut back.

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